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SwipeGuide’s content editorial process.

At SwipeGuide, we're committed to delivering high-quality, informative, and engaging content. Here's our streamlined editorial process that ensures every blog post meets our standards. 

Ideation and planning:

  • Brainstorming: Our editorial team meets regularly to brainstorm potential blog post topics. We consider current trends, interests, and gaps in existing content.

  • Content calendar: Based on brainstorming sessions, we develop a content calendar outlining upcoming blog post topics, target publication dates, and assigned writers.


Writing and research:

  • Research and drafting: Writers conduct thorough research, interview experts, gather data, and craft compelling blog posts adhering to SwipeGuide's style guide. 

  • Internal review: Drafts are submitted for internal review by an internal or external expert on the topic. Reviewers provide feedback on clarity, accuracy, structure, and adherence to SwipeGuide's voice and tone.


Editing and optimization:

  • Revisions: Writers incorporate reviewer feedback and revise their drafts.

  • Editing: A dedicated editor meticulously polishes the content for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and overall flow.

  • Fact-checking: All information is thoroughly fact-checked to ensure accuracy and credibility.

  • SEO optimization: The editor optimizes the post for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords and meta descriptions.


Final review and approval:

  • Final review: Our marketing team conducts a final review, ensuring the post aligns with SwipeGuide's editorial standards and brand voice.

  • Approval and scheduling: Once approved, the post is scheduled for publication on the SwipeGuide website.


Publication and promotion:

  • Publication: The blog post goes live on the SwipeGuide website on the designated date.

  • Promotion: The post is promoted through social media channels, email marketing, and other relevant avenues.

  • Analytics tracking: We track post performance through website analytics to understand what resonates with our audience and inform future content strategy.

By following this editorial process, we strive to deliver valuable content that educates, entertains, and empowers our readers on the ever-evolving world of frontline training. 

SwipeGuide mission, vision, and values.

Additionally, all of our content respects the vision and mission of SwipeGuide, including our six core values. 



We are on a mission to empower frontline teams to connect knowledge, collaboratively solve problems, and continuously improve processes to ensure sustainable production patterns.


SwipeGuide simplifies the way people work and learn at the frontline.

Core values: 

  • Make users awesome. Make every task simpler. We focus on solving problems for our customers and creating an effortless experience every step of the way.

  • Go positive. Support yourself and each other. We look for the positive in everything we see, do, and feel – especially when things get hard.

  • Own it. Take initiative and show ownership. We have the courage to own our successes and failures – so we can always move forward.

  • Always be learning. Be curious. Never assume. As leaders in the world of work, we have to continuously reimagine our own roles to find better solutions.

  • Leave your ego at the door. Stay humble and open-minded. We work together as a team in an open and inclusive environment, to learn, grow, and build great products.

  • Spare resources for better use. Save time, money, effort, and material. We work to conserve resources for customers, stakeholders, and ourselves so that they can be put to better use.