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Auve Tech Customer Story.00_02_44_19.Still004

Customer Story:
Auve Tech

This is how Auve Tech uses SwipeGuide (their "little helper") for operator training, checklists, and FAQ to keep their global autonomous bus operations running smoothly. 

Streamlining operations for

autonomous electric buses. 

  • Ensures consistent training for a global crew of autonomous vehicle operators with centralized materials that are easy to update.

  • Eliminates repetitive Q&A and troubleshooting tickets across teams with easy-access multi-language guides for operators from Estonia to Japan.

  • Simplifies vehicle operations with pre- and post-operation checklists that help verify everything on the bus is in working order and intact. 


"SwipeGuide is like our little helper who will give us the guide or point the finger at something that we should work on. "



Operations Lead at Auve Tech


Consistent training for consistent operations.

Problem: Information on operating the autonomous buses was passed down verbally. This created inconsistency in a diverse and globally dispersed workforce.

 → SwipeGuide acts as a central library to store crucial process information. Everyone has access to the same clear instructions for consistent training and procedures.

  • In-vehicle job aids

    Having SwipeGuide available on tablets in vehicles provides easy access to reference materials, allowing operators to refresh knowledge or follow step-by-step guides during incidents.

  • Easy to update SOPs

    As their autonomous vehicles develop, Auve Tech needs to update SOPs frequently.

    SwipeGuide streamlines this process, ensuring operators always have access to the latest information.

  • Auto-Translate

    Language barriers in Japan previously hampered SOP adoption. Manual translation proved time-consuming.

    SwipeGuide's Auto-Translation now allows effortless conversion of guides to Japanese, and any future language needs, ensuring seamless information access for a global workforce.


continents. Auve Tech autonomous buses are driving around cities across Europe, the Middle East, Florida, and Japan.


"Pre- and post-operation checklists ensure that everything is okay with the bus. All information will go directly to our managers so they can see that everything is as it should be."

AuveTech Logo


Autonomous Vehicle Tester & Senior Operator


Operational checks for safety and incident management.

Problem: Pre- and post-operation checks involved manual verification, which was time-consuming and prone to errors. There was also a lack of insightful data for improvements.  

Checklists in SwipeGuide ensure everything on the bus is functioning properly.

Data about the condition of the bus is sent to managers upon completion of the checks. Potential problems are identified and corrected, improving overall safety and efficiency.

  • Streamlining inspections

    Traditional inspection processes were inefficient and lacked a clear structure to ensure everything was checked on the bus.

    The Auve Tech team implemented pre- and post-operation checklists within SwipeGuide to streamline inspections. 

  • Data on bus health

    Checklist data is submitted to managers who can review and compare the data on bus health based on location, time, and operating team. 

  • Celebrate wins based on input

    Capturing and sharing best practices among personnel performing the actual jobs was difficult, leading to inconsistent performance and missed opportunities to celebrate successes.

    SwipeGuide facilitates content creation by and for frontline workers, enabling them to share knowledge about common issues and celebrate operational wins.


"We don't have to deal with those recurring questions anymore. They're answered by just looking into SwipeGuide and getting the step-by-step guide on how to fix issues within daily work. "



Project Manager


Knowledge base for frequently asked questions.

Problem: Project managers were flooded with repetitive questions about basic vehicle operations and troubleshooting. This constant stream of inquiries overloaded the team and hampered their ability to address more complex issues.

Eliminates repetitive Q&A and troubleshooting tickets across teams with easy-access guides for operators globally - from Estonia to Japan.

Operators are encouraged to find answers independently to reduce the burden on project managers.

  • Fewer troubleshooting tickets

    The Auve Tech support team was overloaded with tickets for basic troubleshooting issues like door malfunctions or button functionality.

    After implementing SwipeGuide as a knowledge base for troubleshooting common problems, there was a significant reduction in tickets.

  • Reduced support burden

    By directing repetitive inquiries to the SwipeGuide knowledge base, the Auve Tech support team and project managers can focus on more complex issues and save valuable time. 

  • Enhanced consistency

    A central knowledge base ensures operators across all regions receive the same accurate information from Auve Tech to solve problems. 


reduction in troubleshooting tickets

AuveTech Logo

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